When is The Best Time for Your Commercial Roofing Job?

by | Apr 14, 2022 | Roofing


As anyone in the roofing business will tell you, there’s no time like the present to get a commercial roofing job done. Of course, “the present” is relative – what might be considered the off-season for roofers definitely isn’t when it comes to construction crews working on new buildings. But even within that context, there are good times and bad times to get a commercial roofing job done. In this blog post, we’ll explore some of the factors that go into making that decision. Next time you are searching “commercial roofers near me” on Google, think of us first.

It’s not a Summer Job

Most people think that roofing is a summer job. However, commercial roofing crews will tell you that fall and spring are the best times to get those roofs replaced. One of the main reasons is that most commercial roofing materials like asphalt and EPDM rubber can’t be installed when it’s too hot or too cold outside because the adhesive won’t adhere properly in those temperatures.

Winter is generally too cold for most roofing adhesives, so roofers have to wait until it warms up a little bit. That’s why you’ll see more roofing crews out in the spring than any other time of year. Residential roofing isn’t as temperature-sensitive as commercial roofing, so you’ll see roofing crews working year-round on houses.

Another reason that commercial roofing crews prefer to work in the fall and spring is that those are the times of the year when there’s the least amount of precipitation. Roofing a commercial building is a messy job, and you don’t want your crew working in the rain or snow if you can help it. You also don’t want to roof a building and then have it rain the next day, which can wash away all of the adhesives that was just applied. So, if you can help it, you’ll want to avoid getting your commercial roof replaced in the winter or summer.

Of course, there are exceptions to every rule. If your commercial roof is leaking and needs to be replaced immediately, you’re not going to wait until fall or spring to get the job done. In that case, you’ll just have to make sure that your roofing crew is aware of the potential weather challenges and plan accordingly.

The Best Time for Your Commercial Roofing Job

So, when is the best time for your commercial roofing job? It really depends on a number of factors, including the type of roof you have, the climate you live in, and the availability of your roofing crew. In general, though, the fall and spring are the best times to get a commercial roof replaced. If you can avoid the summer and winter months, you’ll be in good shape.

Of course, there are always exceptions to the rule. If your roof is leaking and needs to be replaced immediately, you’re not going to wait until fall or spring to get the job done. In that case, you’ll just have to make sure that your roofing crew is aware of the potential weather challenges and plan accordingly. But if you can help it, you’ll want to avoid getting your commercial roof replaced in the winter or summer.

Don’t Procrastinate

Waiting too long to get your commercial roof replaced can end up costing you a lot of money in the long run. If you wait until your roof is leaking or otherwise damaged, you’ll have to pay for repairs in addition to the cost of a new roof. And, if you wait too long to replace your roof, you could end up damaging the structural integrity of your building. So, if you think your roof might need to be replaced, don’t procrastinate – get a professional opinion and start making plans to get the job done.

The bottom line is that there’s no perfect time to get a commercial roofing job done. But, in general, the fall and spring are the best times to do it. If you can avoid the summer and winter months, you’ll be in good shape. Just make sure that you don’t wait too long to get the job done, or you could end up paying more than you need to.

Again, next time you are searching “commercial roofers near me” on Google, think of us first.

To get a quote for your unique job, reach out. We’d love to help!