Fall and Winter Are the Perfect Time to Replace Your Roof

by | Nov 22, 2021 | Roofing


At BTB Construction, we have experienced a lot. One of the things that we have discovered is that the majority of people believe that they can’t get their roofs replaced in fall or winter. This just isn’t true. Fall and winter are actually in fact the perfect times to do it. This blog post will explain why that is. If you need work on your roofs or gutters in Lynchburg, VA, BTB Construction is here to help.

Let’s get started.

It’s Cooler

Our crews are used to getting down and dirty in the hot sun. It requires a fair amount of water breaks and is a more strenuous task to replace a roof when it’s hot. When it’s cooler, our crews can simply bundle up and work comfortably.

No Pests

Rather than swatting away gnats, bees, and other bugs, our crews don’t have to deal with that pesky distraction. Bugs have to focus on surviving in warm places and won’t mess with people in the cooler weather. They go to their micro-habitats to find shelter and nourishment during this time, going to places like under the soil, in logs and trees, sometimes even in plant galls.

Fewer Storms

During the summer, winds and even hurricanes create safety hazards for workers. And in the spring, there is often a ton of rain and variations in temperature. Large variations in temperature create challenges when sealing shingles.

Have you ever noticed that there aren’t thunderstorms in the winter? You probably haven’t thought about it. This is actually due to the fact that thunderstorms rely on moisture, instability, and a mechanism for lifting. They begin at the ground level and need updrafted heated air along with water vapor to form.

It’s Less Dangerous

While summer is generally still a good time for construction work when it comes to the amount of work and profits to be made, it’s a particularly brutal time for the workers. There are actually a fair amount of dangers that come into play when working in the hot sun, particularly sunburn, heat cramps, heat exhaustion, dehydration, and even heat stroke. Every year there are unfortunately a number of deaths that come from heat exposure.

There Are Winter Deals

The majority of construction companies, including us at BTB Construction offer wintertime deals. This is because there is usually less work so we’ll take what we can during this time even if it means offering lower prices, which our customers particularly love.

Gutter Installation is Also Great For Fall and Winter

The cooler seasons have lots of benefits for construction companies, including gutter installation. Gutter installation near Lynchburg is best performed by BTB Construction.

Things to Keep In Mind

While fall and winter are ideal times for roof replacement, there are still a few things to keep in mind, particularly for winter. Winter storms create snow and ice which isn’t an ideal condition to work with. Fall doesn’t have this issue.

What Are the Signs of a Roof That Needs to Be Replaced?

We’ve established that fall and winter are the ideal times to have your roof replaced. But what are the signs that it’s time for a replacement? Here is what you should look out for.

If you notice leaks, missing granules on the shingles, shingles that have curled or are starting to curl, or moss growing on shingles, then it’s definitely time to get a roof replacement to avoid hazards to your home. Even if you don’t see any of these signs, roofs that are 18-20 years old can be ticking time bombs, so it’s still a good time to get it replaced if it’s been that long. At a minimum, it should be closely examined by an expert.

Get Your Roof Replaced by BTB Construction

Again, if you need work on your roofs or gutters in Lynchburg, VA, BTB Construction is here to help. At BTB Construction, we have provided the most professional and highest quality roofing services since 1996. Lynchburg and the surrounding area is our service zone and we offer a huge variety of roofing services. If this is something that you might need, you can request a free estimate here.