Facts About Flat Roofs You Didn’t Know

by | Oct 18, 2021 | Roofing


There are some misconceptions and little-known things about flat roofs. While they are not the most glamorous option, they have many advantages. So if you become aware of the facts, you can make a decision of what type of roof you want for your new home. This blog post will discuss these facts from the perspective of a commercial roofer company.


The first and foremost thing that should be talked about is the pricing. Flat roofs are relatively cheap compared to pitched roofs. The building materials and installation are a lot more affordable. The labor is less expensive since it’s easier to install. Also speaking to cost, flat roofs experience less damage and therefore the money paid in repairs is much less. When you need to install things on your flat roof, such as solar planets and related things, it’s cheaper to get done.


In addition to pricing being much more affordable, flat roofs also have the advantage of being able to be used in unique ways. This includes the fact that air conditioning units can be put on the roof rather than being stuck on the ground. Also, solar racking on flat roofs is less apparent to the eye compared to sloped roofs. Some people use their flat roofs as an area to lounge on and have a barbeque. You can even plant a garden. The ways that you can utilize flat roofs are endless.

Interior Space Versatility

Flat roofs have versatility that pitched roofs can’t offer. For things like finished attics or top floor apartments, these can be installed on an existing structure without dealing with the sloped walls of existing pitched roofs. For homes that really need to push the envelope on their maximum interior space, flat roofs certainly have the advantage here.


Since flat roofs are, well, flat, they are much more accessible compared to pitched roofs. Therefore, they can be climbed upon for inspections easily. Keep in mind that flat roofs aren’t necessarily safer for workers compared to pitched roofs. Falling from ladders, stepping on weakened spots of roof material, skylights, painted lights, windows, and weak metal plates are still hazards. Weakened roof areas can collapse and sometimes can’t hold the weight of a person.

Make sure that you have installed a perimeter safety barrier and have safety monitors. When on a flat roof, it’s easy to forget that you are up in the air and workers just plain walk off the roof more often than you may think. BTB Construction makes sure that all our employees have taken extensive safety training courses to learn about these things.

Misconception: All Flat Roofs Leak

For those who are pushing pitched roofs, one thing that many of them suggest is that all flat roofs leak. This just plain isn’t true. When installed correctly, flat roofs do not leak. It all just comes down to the quality of the installation. The best way to do it is to have proper sealing for the top coat and underlayer. One thing that is true is that when there is a leak, it can be a little harder to find, so it’s important to have qualified and professional roofers like BTB Construction assess the situation for the best result. Knowing that, you can be sure that commercial roofers near Lynchburg have your best interest in mind.

Architectural Appeal

Most people prefer the sight of a pitched roof, however, with a trending and modern style pushing the boundaries of our preferences, flat roofs have become quite a pretty sight when done right. It goes well with a minimalist theme.

Some Disadvantages

While there are many, many positives for flat roofs, there are still some disadvantages to be aware of. The life expectancy is between 10 and 15 years on average. Materials are a bit scarce so options to choose from are limited. Lack of draining is the biggest disadvantage so water can puddle on the roof.

Get a Flat Roof Today

With all the advantages in mind, flat roofs are a seriously good option in today’s world. To address the 10 to 15-year lifespan issue, this is softened by the fact that if repairs and replacement are needed, re-reroofing is pretty painless and cheap. The life span can be increased when it is under proper maintenance and inspection by professional commercial roofer companies like BTB Construction. We are also skilled when it comes to coming up with the best roofing solution for your unique situation.