The Importance of Prioritizing Home Improvement Projects

by | May 18, 2022 | Roofing


There are a lot of home improvement projects that people would like to do.

You may want to spend money painting your walls or getting a new kitchen countertop, but there could be a much more important issue such as your roof being in poor condition. Going in line of priorities first is important rather than just doing what you feel like doing in the moment.

Home improvement projects can cost a lot of money, so it’s best to take your time and do things the right way. Before we start, if you are on the hunt for the best roofer, you’ve come to the right place. At BTB, we’re all about roofs and gutters. Learn more here.

Now let’s continue.

How Do I Identify The Priorities?

There are a few ways that you can identify which home improvement projects should be a priority.

First, Organize Your Home

Before working on any home improvement project, you will need to be able to get a clear understanding of the condition of your home. This means that you will need to take the time to declutter and organize your home. It may be annoying, but it will help you to identify any areas that may need some work.

Assess The Condition of Your Home By Yourself

Homeownership comes with a lot of responsibilities, one of which is making sure that your home is in good condition. This means regularly assessing your home and property to identify any areas that need repair or attention.

Start by walking around the exterior of your home, taking note of any cracks in the foundation or damage to the siding or roof. Then, move inside and check all the major systems, like the plumbing, electrical, and HVAC. Make sure there are no leaks, breaks, or other issues.

Once you’ve gone through all the major systems, take a look at the smaller details, like doorknobs, light fixtures, and cabinet hardware. Replacing small items like this can make a big difference in the overall look of your home. By taking some time to assess your home on a regular basis, you can keep on top of repairs and maintain a healthy and safe living environment.

Hire a Professional

A home is a big investment, and it’s important to take care of it so that it will last for many years. That’s why it’s a good idea to have a professional assessment of your home’s condition every few years.

A professional can help identify needed repairs and make a list of priorities. However, as we noted, it’s also important to assess the condition of your home and property yourself before bringing on a professional. This way, you can use your own judgment to help in the decision-making process when coming up with a list of priorities.

By taking these steps, you can ensure that your home will be in good condition for years to come.

Come Up With The List

Once you have gathered all the information, it’s time to sit down and come up with a list of priorities. This will help you to figure out what needs to be done first, second, third, and so on.

Some factors that you will need to consider when making your list include:

  • The age of your home
  • The condition of your home
  • Your budget (we’ll get into that)
  • The severity of the repair or issue
  • Whether or not the repair is a DIY project or if it will require professional help

Consider The Value & Set a Budget

The next step is to set a budget. This will help you to identify how much money you have to spend on home improvement projects. It will be different for everyone. Once you have a budget, you can start to prioritize your home improvement projects.

You should consider the value of each project. For example, some houses will have high-end gutters and/or windows and get a repair done to the roof when it is 5 years overdue for replacement.

Not only would you have to come up with the money yourself for the project, but the company doing the new roof is going to have to protect the new gutters and or possibly new windows you have.

Priority #1: Your Roof

Your roof is practically the lifeblood and gatekeeper of your home. If you neglect it and it leaks, the structural and interior damage it can cause is devastating. Roofers in Lynchburg see this happen every day.

Furthermore, one of the biggest mistakes that homeowners make is believing companies that tell them their shingles will last for 25-40 years. That is just a manufacturer defect warranty and is irrelevant to the life expectancy on your roof.

Some roofs wear out quicker and some wear out slower its multiple factors such as ventilation, pitch, how much it’s exposed to water, etc. The average life span of asphalt shingles is actually 12-30 years.

Inspecting your roof is always of the utmost importance. If you’re not sure of the condition of your roof, let an expert like BTB inspect it before starting any major home improvement projects. When Lynchburg residents ask for the best roofer, they are always pointed to BTB.


Your home is a big investment, and it’s important to take care of it. That’s why it’s a good idea to come up with a list of priorities every few years on what needs to be done. By taking these steps, you can ensure that your home will be in good condition for years to come.

If you’re not sure of the condition of your roof, let an expert like BTB inspect it. Get a quote today.